[How-To] Technical XX International Members
If you do not have access rights to the How To area and you are interested in these Best Practices, you are most welcome to become a BOC Member. More information on how to become a BOC Member can be found on the following page:

To give you quick impression on the kind of information stored amongst others in the "[How-To] Technical XX International Members" area, see below summary:
- [How To] Bleed the brake-system
- [How To] change the sparkplugs (Carburetor)
- [How To] Changing the bulbs in the dashboard
- [How To] Changing the coolant fluid
- [How To] Check and adjust the chain
- [How To] Check your brake-pads
- [How To] check your coolant level
- [How To] Clean the inside of the headlight
- [How To] Headlights replacement
- [How To] Mount fuel filters (Carburetor)
- [How To] Raise the Birds tail
- [How To] release a stuck float needle
- [How To] Replace steps by Buell ones
- [How To] Replace the CCT
- [How To] Replace the turn-lens unit
- [How To] replacement brake-pads front
- [How To] Wind-up the CCT
- Blackbirds Parts numbers
- CDI for 1999 Blackbird
- Differences between Handlebars - Original - VFR - Variobar
- Fault finding checklist Blackbird
- Information on second hand bird parts
- XX chrome/polished bar ends